With more people working from home and practicing social distancing, many of us are turning to hobbies that we’ve always wanted to learn. Since many schools across the country have closed for the next few weeks, our kids have a chance to do the same. If COVID-19 has you and your family bored at home, this is a great time to teach them some amazing skills—or even learn new ones together. Make the most of your downtime with these three best hobbies to teach your kids.
More time at home makes it a little easier to create a home-cooked meal for dinner. To create something truly special, get your favorite little helpers in the kitchen with you. Cooking is a fun and vital life skill, and they’re never too young to learn. Teach your kids how to make their favorite meals and desserts. Be prepared to get messy and try to just let it happen. Stained aprons and spilled ingredients are just part of the experience, and when it’s over, your kids can help with clean-up.
Social distancing doesn’t mean you have to stay inside all day. Help your kids get the fresh air they need and still make the most of spring by starting a garden. From potted flowers to full vegetable gardens, this is a great way for kids to get their hands a little dirty while learning more about the world around them. Help your kids research what flowers grow best in your climate, as well as which plants are the most beneficial to pollinators and other creatures in your local environment. Gardening is a great way for you and your kids to make a difference in your community, just from your own backyard. In fact, keeping a bee-friendly garden is one of the best ways for kids to help honey bees and other vital bee populations.
Arts and Crafts
Have you always wanted to learn how to crochet? Is your kid happiest with a paintbrush in their hand? No matter what form it takes, art is one of the best hobbies to teach your kids. Take this time to practice and pursue whatever art form you and your family enjoy. Online tutorials make it easier than ever to pick up new skills. Put on an episode of Bob Ross and see what everyone can create. Don’t be afraid to try something new alongside your child. You don’t have to be a talented artist—the simple act of creating something is great for both you and your kids, especially during stressful times.