So many of us are guilty of letting work rule our lives and let me tell you, that’s not healthy. I know I know, “it’s easier said than done.” But let me ask you this ladies: are you constantly stressed? Do you not even want to get your nails done anymore? You probably need a vacation. Take it from me y’all, I’ve certainly let work and burnout rule my life and it’s not healthy. I became more stressed and just unhappy. So, together, we’re gonna go through a few signs you need a vacation.
You’re Having a Hard Time Sleeping
One of the first things I notice in people that need to get away is the fact that they’re always tired. Why? Because they’re barely getting any sleep. Let me tell you, if I don’t get my sleep, I’m not the nicest person—and I’m pretty sure most of you are like me in that regard. We all need our sleep; it doesn’t matter who you are, how much money you make, or what your job title, everyone needs sleep.
Your Job Has Become Your Life
Another telltale sign is that you’re going into the office earlier and staying later than normal—and I certainly hope you’re not taking work home with you. If any of these things describe your life, congratulations! You’ve become a workaholic. Now, don’t panic, a lot of people let work take priority in their lives; however, take a look around. Do you see anything or anyone? Probably not, because y’all are always working! Let it go, leave work at the office, otherwise work will take over your life.
If a Minor Task Is Overwhelming You
We all have the typical tasks that we do on a regular basis, and if these routine tasks stress you out, you need to get away. Not only is stress horrible for your health, but the quality of your work will also drop significantly, and if you’re anything like me, that’ll stress you out too! I take pride in my work, and I’m sure you do too, so protect your integrity and book a vacation.
You’re Unmotivated and Uninspired
A wise soul once said, “you can’t pour from an empty cup.” I don’t know who that wise soul was, but what they said still rings true. We live in a very busy society y’all, and many of us never take the time to recharge. I’m sure if you’re feeling empty, there’s no way you can pour out your best work. So, go get inspired on a vacation that has tons to offer—seriously, check out these reasons to vacation in Bali. If y’all are just starting to feel some of these signs, or if you’ve been feeling stressed and empty for years, consider it a sign you need a vacation. I know I’ve experienced many of these signs, and I’m sure at one point or another you’ve felt them too. So, go book something right now—you deserve it!