A bathroom is a must in every home, but a stunning bathroom will set your home apart from others. Finding the right bathroom furnishings on a budget may seem challenging, but it doesn’t have to be. The best thing about a bespoke bathroom is that it satisfies your every need. Bespoke furnishings are custom built to fit where you need it and how you want it to look. Whether you have a designer’s eye, a creative spirit or you just know what you need, you can dream up the perfect piece for your lifestyle.
1. Search Online
Like with almost everything, your quest for the best deals in bathroom furnishings should start online. We have a recommendation, however, we encourage one to do their own research. Being said that we found Unique Vanities, a vanities online store has partnered with James Martin Furniture to bring customers quality and stylish bathroom furnishings. They also offer consultations by trained professionals to help you get exactly what you came for. Visit Unique Vanities.
2. Your Local Second Hand Shop
You may be surprised at what you can turn up at a thrift store or Salvation Army. Many people donate their old furniture, furnishings and other household items in an effort to clear out their homes. Their purge might just be your bathroom’s gain. You can find pieces from many eras and many different design aesthetics. And remember you can always refinish, restain or paint a piece so that it fits into your decor perfectly.
3. Antique Shops
Antique shops are another place you can find bespoke bathroom furnishings on a budget. Because older homes and design principles were more compact than today’s spaces and designs, antique furnishings are perfect story-filled bespoke items. These unique pieces tend to stand out in a great way while taking care of your storage needs as well. According to Only Bespoke, it’s all about design and craftsmanship.
4. Estate and Yard Sales
A yard sale can be well worth you’re pulling over and taking a look. Yard sales often offer you the ability to find bargain deals and to negotiate prices. Sometimes you can find estate sales listed in your local newspaper, and other times you may just happen upon one as you go from one place to another. Whether it’s a planned trip or a happy accident, estate sales usually have lots of home furnishings. If you’re lucky, many of the fixtures and bathroom pieces are on the older side and can serve both form and function.
5. Houzz
Houzz has a ton of suggestions for how to get bespoke furnishings for your bathroom or any other room in your home and whom you should ask. There are plenty of local designers and craftsmen who can create the perfect piece for you.
Adding bespoke furnishings to your bathroom can increase its charm and character. It will also increase the comfort and functionality of your space. Something made especially for your odd little space can really change the way you experience your home. And even if your bathroom isn’t oddly shaped or in need of specific storage or cabinetry solutions, bespoke bathroom furnishings are still an option for you, regardless of your budget.