I think we all want our children to grow up and become kind, upstanding, generous people. But, how do we figure out the right way to teach them to be those people? For quite some time, people have tried to figure out how exactly they can get their kids to share without crying and show love without jealousy. At least that’s something I’ve been wondering! So, to help us on our path to raising generous, charitable children, I’ve done some research and found some practical ways to teach your children about charity. Hopefully, this will help y’all on the path to kind children—maybe you’ll implement some of these tips into your own life. Check them out below!
Make Birthdays Charitable
If y’all have children obsessed with their birthdays (like most kids) try adding in a charitable concept to their special day. For baby showers, a lot of people bring books instead of a card. That’s something you could try to add into your child’s birthday. They could still get a gift, but their card would be a book they could donate to children in need. Talk to your children and see what they think about this idea—the more open you are about charitable giving, the better.
Create a Charity Jar
I absolutely love this idea! The idea of a charity jar to use when family allowances get distributed makes so much sense, it’s a wonder we all didn’t start this earlier! Invite your children to donate some of their allowance to this jar. Once the jar fills, decide as a family where you’d like the money to go.
Let Them Choose Their Own Causes
Playing off of the above idea, once you fill up your charity jar, you’ll want to help your kiddos make an informed decision about where their money goes. Sit down as a family and peruse the Internet to find a charity you all find worthy of giving to. Some great examples I found are:
- Buy gloves for those in need
- Save a whale
- Contribute to a cancer charity
- Give to your local animal shelter
Donate Clothes and Time
Another practical way to teach your children about charity is simply by donating! The more you and your family donate together, the more your children will get used to the idea of generosity. There are many reasons to donate. Whether you donate every month once y’all clean out the closet or give your time to local soup kitchens, these moments will give your children that much-needed confidence boost, and it will show them the importance of consistent giving.
Show That They’re Already Generous
Finally, the last little tip I have for y’all is more about teaching your children that they already are quite generous. It’s important to teach children that charity is about more than giving away all your money and clothes. In fact, a truly generous individual starts small with smiles to people on the street, holding doors open for those who need a hand, or helping someone carry their groceries to the car. Children will be pleased to learn that they’re already helping out, and that can give them the kickstart they need to pursue an even more charitable lifestyle.