Often times there are people when moving house need to find a smaller place to live. This could cause problems when planning and then anticipating the house removals, along with storage and moving boxes, however, it is best to analyze the situation before any packing is to be done. First before contacting the movers who will help with your domestic removals, go through every room and decide what needs to be kept and what needs to either be given away, donated or sold. This is important in order to lower all the things that have to be loaded on the removal van. Doing this will save time and effort come moving day.
Take your time when doing this, since there are going to be items that you will find that you have not seen, or have forgotten about for many months. For those items, it is best to get rid of them rather than cluttering up your new home, with items you are not using.
If you are moving from a larger home to a smaller home it would be best to replace the larger furniture with smaller to moderate size furniture. When looking for furniture focus on furniture that is a neutral color and is multi-functional. For example, a comfortable twin bed that looks like a couch can serve two purposes. One for a place for you or company to sit or a place for you to sleep.
Keep lights either on the walls, or have ceiling lights to maintain floor space. If those are unavailable use a couple of table lamps on stands that have storage space with a flat surface to hold a television. Keep your curtains opened up as much as possible to bring in the natural sunlight. By doing all of this it makes your place look bigger and more inviting.
When selecting a place to put your personal items, such as keys, cell phone, purse, wallet, or papers have a small table or desk in a corner away from the front door, to keep everything looking tidy. When keeping your personal items put away, but within easy access, this can also be a good area to decorate for the holidays making another multi-functional unit for your new home.
Small spaces are easy to decorate and keep in check. Even if you are moving home from a much larger place, smart downsizing will still save you a lot of trouble. Don’t worry about items you don’t care about – simply throw away everything you deem unneeded, or at least sell it or donate it. Somebody else might find a use of it and you get more space to fill with other items.
I agree that you should go through all of your belongings before moving to a smaller place. Even if your current house doesn’t seem cluttered with unused item, a smaller area may begin to feel crowded if you have too much stuff. Deciding what to get rid of and downsizing your furniture are some great ways to make it easier to fit your items into the removal van and your new home. Thanks for the article!
Great post.
Nice ideas to make a small space look more beautiful. We can make many effective changes and to make our small home look bigger and beautiful. By using lockers, cabinets, cupboard to store unwanted and valuable stuff, we can decrease clutter in our home. Thanks for sharing this informative post.