Fall Fruits and Vegetables to Add to Your Meals by North Carolina Lifestyle blogger Champagne Style Bare Budget

Fall Fruits and Vegetables to Add to Your Meals

Fall Fruits and Vegetables to Add to Your Meals by North Carolina Lifestyle blogger Champagne Style Bare Budget

Fall is all about using as much fresh produce as you can for your meals. Whether you are a meat eater or vegetarian, there is plenty of room on your plate for produce. The following fruits and vegetables are in-season and readily available during the fall, offering you the opportunity to make seasonal dishes while also saving money by getting produce that is currently in season.

Tasty Fruit

The first category of fresh produce to try in the fall is your fruit. There are a lot of fruits that are in season during the fall, not just the ones listed. Though these ones do tend to be favorites among people who enjoy seasonal dishes. Here are some fruits to try adding to your meals and snacks during the fall:

Apples – Apples are the ultimate fall fruit! They are juicier and sweeter during the fall since this is when the harvesting is done. You can find both green and red apples that are really delicious. Have apple slices with peanut butter or almond butter as a snack, add your apples to your morning juice or smoothie, or try a delectable and healthy dessert with apple slices, caramel drizzle, and some dark chocolate chips on top. You can also add apples to any salad.

Cranberries – When you want berries in the fall, it doesn’t get much better than cranberries. These can go in juice, top your frozen yogurt or ice cream, or be added to your favorite fall salad. You can even make a mashed cranberry sauce with no added ingredients and top your biscuits or toast with it.

Figs – Figs are small fruits that often look like veggies, but have a sweet flavor and seeds inside. Try a pear and fig salad with feta cheese and spinach, and you won’t be sorry.

Pears – Another excellent fruit you can find during the fall season are pears. Pears have a sweet yet slightly tangy flavor that makes them ideal to eat alone or with some of your favorite dishes. You can grill up your pears when having a fall barbecue, add them to salad, or have them alone for a low-fat snack.

Pumpkin and Squash

Some of the more popular vegetables to enjoy during the fall season are pumpkin and butternut squash. Other squashes are also in seasons, such as spaghetti squash, yellow squash, and zucchini, though butternut is often used for holiday-based meals.Both of these vegetables have a creamy texture that makes it easy to puree them and use them for a variety of different dishes. You can also cube the roasted vegetables to add to salads and other meals or make pasta out of them by using a spiralizer.

Other Popular Veggies

In addition to these vegetables, there are some others that are in season during the fall and tend to be favorites among many people. Many of these veggies are even ones that kids enjoy, which is always a plus. These veggies include:

* Broccoli
* Cauliflower
* Artichokes
* Brussels sprouts
* Carrots
* Cabbage
* Beets
* Arugula
* Okra
* Mushrooms
* Celery
* Green beans
* Kale

Try to mix it up by using different types of fruits and vegetables.

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