Giving Your Memory a Break 9 Ways to Set a Reminder It’s Time to Take Your Medicine from North Carolina Lifestyle blogger Champagne Style Bare Budget

Giving Your Memory a Break: 9 Ways to Set a Reminder It’s Time to Take Your Medicine

Giving Your Memory a Break 9 Ways to Set a Reminder It’s Time to Take Your Medicine from North Carolina Lifestyle blogger Champagne Style Bare Budget

Sometimes, individuals, have too many different prescriptions to take based on their various medical ailments. This can be problematic because it can become quite difficult to remember how many pills to take in one day or how often pills should be taken. In addition, it can be hard to figure out which medications should not have water beforehand or be taken on an empty stomach. If you are starting to have issues with remembering when to take your medications, it could be a danger to your health. This is precisely why it is wise to get assistance with planning your medication requirements carefully in order to have the best quality of life possible. In order to learn more about nine important ways to set a reminder it’s time to take your medicine, review the information below:

9 Ways to Set a Reminder to Take Your Medication on Time

Medication management can be a challenge for many individuals regardless of how organized they are in other areas of their lives. When trying to find the best management method for your medications, consider these nine resources listed for your reference:  

Purchase a Pill Box

Sometimes the old-fashioned pillbox is what is required to have great results with taking one’s medication on time. The ones with Sunday through Saturday and day/night slots are the best to organize when you have to take your different medications. As long as you are able to keep the required number of pills in each section of the box, it will serve as an ideal way to ensure that you are managing when you have to take your medications effectively.

Make a List of Your Medications and What Time You Need to Take Them

Keeping a list of all of your medications is a very smart strategy. If you have this in a spreadsheet so that you always have access to it on your Smartphone, it can be a helpful way for you to organize when you have to take medications and when they may need to be refilled. By simply writing things down and making a schedule, you will be amazed at the results that you will see.

Find an App to Help You Remember

Depending on what kind of organization you need, there are many Apps that can help you schedule when you need to take your medications and any other specific instructions that each medication requires. Be sure to find the right App for your particular situation and then you will be able to organize a comprehensive schedule complete with digital reminders of when you are supposed to take your pills.

Put Scheduled Medication Dates/Times in Your Digital Calendar

Digital calendars are a great resource to use when it comes to remembering your medications. If you carry your medication with you or are home frequently, you can just set a reminder in your digital calendar and take your pills at the proper time.

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Invest in Pill Box Monitor from Lively. In the past, there have been many issues with people taking too many of the same pill simply because they forgot to organize their pill box. One way to be sure this doesn’t happen to you is to look at companies such as Lively that have created monitors on the back of pillboxes that help to keep track of what pills left the pillbox when. This is particularly useful if the patient has Alzheimer’s or dementia. It also avoids the severe side effects of taking the incorrect amount of medication and suffering side effects that can be life-threatening.

Set an Alarm on Your Smartphone

Alarms on your Smartphone are a great system. This is usually best when you don’t have too many medications to take as it can get complicated to enter many different alarms on your phone at once. You may forget how many different pills you have to take and at what time you should take them.

Ask Your Pharmacist About Reminder Tops

Reminder tops are something new in the industry that enables the tops of pill cases to have alarms. These can also come with ways to cut pills in half if you have a unique dosage on one of your medications. Reminder tops can be a very effective way to remember to take your medication at the right time.

Speak to a Doctor

Sometimes the lack of motivation to take one’s medication is related to not forget, but not enjoying the various side effects of medicines. Speaking to a doctor can provide you with the possibility of knowing the severity of your medical condition so that you will obtain motivation to take your pills on time.

Set a Particular Time Each Day for Taking Your Pills

If you usually eat Breakfast, Lunch or Dinner at a specific time, then you can try to structure your pill-taking schedule around your existing routine. For example, if you decide to take your daily pills during breakfast, it will be easier for you to remember. If your medications happen many times per day, then you can also schedule this closer to meals, which can help you to remember when to take the appropriate pills.

Final Remarks

Remembering to take your pills on time is a difficult task, but an important one. Be sure that you consider your unique schedule and medication requirements before deciding which method is best to help you remember taking your pills on time. By taking the time to consider this, you will be making many positive contributions to your health by safeguarding yourself against overdoses, taking too small a dosage or combining pills with items that should be avoided. Be sure to regularly collaborate with your doctor and pharmacist to be sure that you are doing what is required for your medications. By doing so, you will be improving your overall quality of life both in the short and long term.

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