How to Make Employees Feel Like Family

How to Make Employees Feel Like Family

Like many people today, you might have taken the step into running your own small business. And in a small business, your staff is essential, and you can all grow closer than teams generally do at larger companies. So, here’s how you can make employees feel like family.

How to Make Employees Feel Like Family

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Celebrate Staff Achievements

Celebrate the successes of both individual workers and teams. This can be as easy as sending an email to congratulate someone on a job well done or hosting a team-building event to mark a big achievement. With a custom medallion from Challenge Coins Ltd. or an office trophy, you can make an award feel like a big deal. Or even small things can be important. For example, give the worker a shout-out on social media so that other team members can see it. 

Always Encourage Working Together

Encourage teamwork by giving workers chances to work on projects or cross-functional teams together. This will help employees feel like they are part of a group and push them to help each other. Offer team-building activities like group trips, workshops, or volunteer events. Or, you can give team members jobs or tasks that require them to work together. This is a great way to help them get along. And it also helps staff from other departments get to know each other well.

Show Appreciation with Rewards

60% of workers don’t feel appreciated at their job. So, show your workers you appreciate them by giving them perks like flexible schedules, bonuses, or programs to recognize their hard work. This will make workers feel like they are important and valued. You can also get people to work harder by giving them a bonus in cash, gift cards, or extra time off. And throwing a party like a team lunch, happy hour, or staff outing brings everyone together to enjoy each others’ success.

Allow for Transparent Communication 

Encourage workers and management to talk to each other freely. This means paying attention to what workers say, responding to their concerns, and acting when needed. This will help workers feel heard and appreciated. Encourage workers to give feedback and ideas through regular surveys or suggestion boxes. Also, give your staff a chance to meet one-on-one to talk about problems or worries. Keep your office open to all staff, and address any concerns head-on.

Apply Positivity to the Overall Culture

Make an atmosphere at work that values positivity, respect, and being open to everyone. This will make workers feel like they are part of a group that appreciates what they bring to the table. It can be hard to do this. But you can start by promoting kindness and being open to everyone. Make sure that all workers, no matter their background, race, gender, or sexual orientation, feel safe and welcome at work. Development plans will also help with employee growth.


I can help your business to make employees feel like family. It can be a delicate balance. But you can celebrate achievements, publicly show appreciation, and keep it positive at all times.

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