How to Pack Like an Experienced Travel Blogger from Lifestyle Blogger Champagne Style Bare Budget
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How to Pack Like an Experienced Travel Blogger

How to Pack Like an Experienced Travel Blogger from Lifestyle Blogger Champagne Style Bare Budget

You don’t have to be a travel blogger to appreciate their ingenious ability to pack and bring exactly the right things on their trip to make the whole experience smooth, comfy and pleasurable. So, brush up on your packing skills with this little guide that will teach you how to pack like a true travel blogger.

First things first

Get a good backpack! This is an absolute must because you’ll not have a good time dragging your suitcase around or struggling with an uncomfortable backpack. Check out some recommendations online and you’ll certainly find something that fits your needs and preferences. If you can opt for a water-resistant model, because finding out all your clothes and possessions are soaked isn’t a pleasant feeling!

How to Pack Like an Experienced Travel Blogger from Lifestyle Blogger Champagne Style Bare Budget

Pack your travel info

For the smoothest trip, make sure to be well-organized. Designate one location in your luggage where you’re going to keep all your travel information like hotel/hostel/Airbnb addresses, emergency numbers, passport copies and all other things you might need in case you must go offline. Getting a good map of your destination is very useful in case your phone dies, plus you’ll have a nice souvenir from your adventure!

How to Pack Like an Experienced Travel Blogger from Lifestyle Blogger Champagne Style Bare Budget

Scarf, pashmina or a sarong

One of the most practical things every travel blogger knows to pack (both male and female) is a scarf or a similar accessory. You’ll be surprised how many uses this little thing has: it will keep you warm and stylish, serve as seating, pillow or a blanket and even allow you to visit places that don’t allow naked shoulders, shorts or bare head! Just like every hitchhiker through the galaxy has to have a towel (btw, definitely pack a copy of The Hitchhiker’s Guide to have as a fun companion on long flights), every traveler on earth needs a scarf!

How to Pack Like an Experienced Travel Blogger from Lifestyle Blogger Champagne Style Bare Budget

Don’t neglect your beauty

Unless you’re planning to record only in front of you, you need to look pretty for the camera. Every experienced blogger knows the importance of looking camera-ready, but there’s much more to it than meets the eye. Taking care of your skin while you travel is not only important for aesthetic reasons. Unless you pack your moisturizers, scrubs, sunscreens, lip balms and hand creams, you can expect to return from your trip looking a few years older. So, don’t neglect your beauty routine, even when you’re on the road!

How to Pack Like an Experienced Travel Blogger from Lifestyle Blogger Champagne Style Bare Budget

Bring good gear

If you want to imitate a pro travel blogger, you can’t even start your packing without getting some good gear that will help you record your adventures. If you’re planning a trip that will take you through all sorts of places, weather conditions and terrains, your safest bet is to opt for a GoPro. For a very affordable price, you can get a practical GoPro Hero action camera that will endure even the most extreme of conditions. Plus, it’s very light, small and easy to mount on all sorts of GoPro gear! Other things you’ll certainly need are a portable charger, universal plug adapter, and a global data SIM card.

How to Pack Like an Experienced Travel Blogger from Lifestyle Blogger Champagne Style Bare Budget

Prepare for extreme situations

Are you planning a real adventure in the wild? Well, then you must think of your safety and comfort because you can almost count on things going at least a tad bit wrong! Every good travel blogger who treads off the beaten track doesn’t go anywhere without a first-aid kit and a water filter. You never know what’s going to happen on your adventure, so it’s best to come prepared. All of these unplanned events make great stories, but can be very unpleasant unless you’re well-equipped.

Once you pack like a pro travel blogger, there will be nothing that will catch you off guard on your travels. You’ll not only have a fun adventure but also stay safe, comfy and healthy wherever your path takes you!

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