The Little Known Benefits of Babywearing by North Carolina Lifestyle Blogger Champagne Style Bare Budget
Faith & Family

The Little Known Benefits of Babywearing

The Little Known Benefits of Babywearing by North Carolina Lifestyle Blogger Champagne Style Bare Budget

Babywearing has been around for centuries in many cultures but has only recently made a comeback in the United States. These days babies are starting to be worn in all sorts of carriers, including slings, wraps, framed backpacks, and soft structured carriers.

But babywearing isn’t just about keeping your baby attached to you. When done safely, babywearing provides numerous benefits to both you and your baby. Not only is it a cheaper and more convenient alternative to strollers, but the science suggests that it leads to closer bonds and more emotionally developed babies. 

I know that babywearing truly saved my sanity during that first year of my baby’s life. Heck, it’s even been a lifesaver during those crazy toddler years. But if you still aren’t convinced, here are a few more reasons why I love wearing so much.

Babies Cry, Less

Babywearing doesn’t just help you get things done but also provides physical and emotional benefits for your baby. When a baby is worn, rather than being placed into a swing or a bouncy chair, they are going to be more socially engaged and will pick up on facial expressions and language quicker.

Babies that are worn, have also been shown to cry 51% less than babies that aren’t, which in turn leads to better sleep for everyone. Babywearing has also been shown to reduce colic, prevent flat head, stabilize heart rate and temperature, and even helps with preemie development and weight gain.  

Parents Get More Done

It’s a known fact that babywearing frees up your hands to help you get more done. But how else does it benefit moms and dads?

One of my favorite thing about babywearing is that it helps keep the strangers and germs away. You’ll be surprised by how many people (that you don’t even know!) think it’s okay to just touch your baby without asking. Babywearing helps prevent those creepy, unwanted situations.

Having a carrier also allows parents to travel more easily with their kids since they aren’t limited by the terrain and certain modes of transport. And there’s a good chance that you’ll save money since a good quality carrier tends to be much cheaper than a high-end stroller.

Moms that babywear, are also less likely to have postpartum depression and have more time to exercise, bond with their baby, and spend with their older children. Babywearing is also great for breastfeeding, as it helps boost your milk supply and makes nursing in public easier. 

Benefits of Babywearing Infographic The Little Known Benefits of Babywearing by North Carolina Lifestyle Blogger Champagne Style Bare Budget

Don’t Forget: Safety First

Babywearing has so many benefits for both baby and parents, but should always be done safely. Before choosing a carrier and when wearing your baby, you should always follow the T.I.C.K.S. rules:

  • Tight: Baby should be snug your carrier, but not too tight that it will constrict their breathing.
  • In view always: You should always be able to see your baby’s face. Fabric should never be covering your baby’s face.
  • Close enough for a kiss: Your baby’s head should be close enough to your chin so that you can easily kiss them.
  • Keep their chin off their chest: Your baby’s chin should never be rested against their chest, as this positioning can restrict their breathing.
  • Supported back: Baby’s back should always be supported, never sagging or slumping away from you.

In conclusion, when done safely, babywearing has numerous benefits for both you and your baby. It might not be for everyone, but it sure does work for many. The only thing left to do is give it a try.

Did you wear your baby, or are you currently considering doing so? Leave a comment below and let us know all about your experience!

[su_box title=”About The Author” box_color=”#faccce”]Jenny Silverstone is the mother of two, mommy blogger and a lover of babywearing. You can find her sharing her journey through motherhood on her blog –[/su_box]


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