Make A Homemade Air Freshener from North Carolina Lifestyle Blogger Champagne Style Bare Budget

Make A Homemade Air Freshener

Make A Homemade Air Freshener from North Carolina Lifestyle Blogger Champagne Style Bare Budget

When you have kids and pets the house can accumulate smells. Before you reach for the store-bought spray, though, think about the tons of chemicals you’ll be coating your home in. It’s much better for your (and the household’s) health if you use a natural alternative.

Luckily, it’s incredibly easy to make DIY air freshener with a few ingredients. Most of the ingredients are cheap and you can likely get most of them at the corner store. You may even have them in your house already! What you’ll need is:

  • 8-ounce spray bottle
  • A funnel
  • Distilled water (tap is fine, too)
  • 60+ proof vodka or rubbing alcohol
  • Your favorite essential oil

Now you can make the air freshener in three easy steps. You can use the recipes from Simply Self Storage or mix and match your own!

Make A Homemade Air Freshener from North Carolina Lifestyle Blogger Champagne Style Bare Budget

  • Gather Your Materials: Go to the store or gather the materials above from around your house. Note: the funnel is not absolutely necessary but it does make things a lot easier.

Make A Homemade Air Freshener from North Carolina Lifestyle Blogger Champagne Style Bare Budget

  • Pick Your Scent: Depending on the scent you’re feeling for you can choose a fresh, clean scent like Lemon-Basil or a relaxing scent like Lavender Chamomile.

Make A Homemade Air Freshener from North Carolina Lifestyle Blogger Champagne Style Bare Budget

  • Combine and Shake: Just combine all of the ingredients in the spray bottle and shake it up!


Now your homemade air freshener should be ready to use! Enjoy how fresh your house smells, sans chemicals!

Make A Homemade Air Freshener from North Carolina Lifestyle Blogger Champagne Style Bare Budget


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