With simple practices, you can influence your community positively by being conscious of your relationship with the environment. Being eco-friendly can be just turning off lights when you leave the room or separating your garbage for recycling – but it can also be more extreme changes like going vegetarian or only buying used clothing.
It can also be being conscious of the products you’re using. In fact, did you know The EPA names phosphorous, nitrogen, ammonia and chemicals known as “Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs)” as the worst environmental hazards in household cleaners? VOCs and many of the aforementioned chemicals are also found in some of the most popular car cleaning products.
But cleaning your car is something we all need to do from time to time. Keeping clean the spaces you frequent is important for your mental and emotional health, and your car is no different.
Cleaning your car has many benefits. It helps protect your car from contaminants like dust, pollen, tree sap and salt, which can deteriorate your vehicle’s paint and get into your car’s ventilation systems. When your car’s paint starts to deteriorate, surface rust will develop which can turn into a big problem, not to mention look bad. Letting rust form on your vehicle compromises its structural integrity, quickly making your car unsafe to drive.
That’s why The Zebra wants to help us clean our cars without hurting the environment, so they created this helpful guide on eco-friendly tips for washing the interior and exterior of your car.
From exterior protectants to interior air fresheners, they compiled a list of easy-to-make green cleaning mixtures from basic ingredients. The guide also includes tips on minimizing water use and reducing waste by reusing materials like newspapers and toothbrushes.
Check out the full infographic below. My personal favorites are the wheel cleaner and the interior protectant. Try the mixtures out and tell us what you think!