Paint or Replace: Which Is Better for Your Cabinets?
House and Home

Paint or Replace: Which Is Better for Your Cabinets?

Paint or Replace: Which Is Better for Your Cabinets?

A cost-effective method of home improvement is a fresh coat of paint. A new color on your bedroom walls or a quick refresh on your trim instantly boosts your home’s value. Painting your cabinets is the less expensive option, but it may not be the best. Should you paint or replace: which is better for your cabinets? Then, y’all can decide which option is best for your kitchen.

Paint the Cabinets

Homeowners consider painting their cabinets versus replacing them because of the cost. And who can blame them? Painting existing cabinets is typically one-third to half the price of installing new cabinets.

However, make sure you choose durable paint that will last to avoid repainting after a few years. All of the wiping down, bumping, and closing can cause low-quality paint to chip. When I painted mine, considering some tips for painting kitchen cabinets helped. Also, y’all, don’t be afraid to hire a professional in the cabinet painting business.

Replacing the Cabinets

There are a few reasons why replacing your cabinets is a better route than painting them. It’s worth the effort to replace them because the kitchen is an area of your home that holds a lot of value. If you’re looking for a new layout in your kitchen, it’s best to remove the cabinets altogether. You’re upgrading your kitchen, and you’ll need high-quality cabinets to match the new aesthetic.

Y’all, if your cabinets look damaged, get rid of them! Don’t waste your time painting a cabinet with dents, chips, or won’t open. It’s out with the old and in with the new. Are your cabinets cheap or flimsy? Replace them with new ones. I wouldn’t bother painting cheap cabinets that will need upgrading soon anyway.


It’s pretty simple to decide which is better for your cabinets, painting or replacing them. I suggest thinking about how you’d like the end result to look. If you’re looking for a less expensive method and your cabinets are in good shape, paint them up! Consider what type of kitchen upgrade y’all are looking for before choosing which route to go.

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