Smart Strategies To Reduce Stress During a Home Renovation
House and Home

Smart Strategies To Reduce Stress During a Home Renovation

Smart Strategies To Reduce Stress During a Home Renovation

Let me count the ways home renovations have stressed me out. There is so much to plan, and with so little time to get it done, y’all, it’s agonizing. During the times I remodeled my house, I have learned it’s OK to feel stressed, but I can’t let it eat me up inside, and I don’t want it to happen to y’all. Let me tell y’all about the smart strategies I learned to reduce stress during a home renovation.

Accept That Our Rooms Aren’t Going To Look Professional

I know we can all be perfectionists sometimes. It’s rooted in our DNA to make a room look like a carbon copy of a Pinterest inspo pictures. But that’s not what y’all really want. I didn’t even want a room like that. It may take some time, but we need to accept that no space needs to look like something we saw on social media.

In fact, I have had to learn this lesson countless times to avoid being unrealistic with my remodeling. I wasn’t ready to know that my perfectionism was the cause of my own troubles. Luckily, I had help along the way. During my time remodeling, I’ve discovered that:

  • I need to let things happen for them to come together.
  • It’s OK if I’m not in complete control of everything.
  • I need to be mindful of others and their opinions.

Y’all Need To Take Care of Yourselves

One thing that stressed me the most was being overworked. With so much in my planner, it was difficult to keep track of things, as I constantly needed to rearrange events, so that they wouldn’t interfere with my renovation. The thing is, I wasn’t prioritizing myself. I felt that I always needed to be working.

Home renovations are fun, but y’all, I needed a break. And I’m glad I took one. On days when I wasn’t stressing over paint colors or measuring my floors and ceilings to determine which windows would fit, I was doing other things. Here’s what I recommend y’all do if you feel stressed:

  • Go for a walk
  • Take a short vacation
  • Eat well
  • Get some rest
  • Watch TV with your family

Things like these kept me level-headed, and I could get other things done in a reasonable amount of time without rushing. I want y’all to really put yourselves first because, dang, home renovations are time-consumers, but they aren’t all that bad. Home renovations, if done right, can be a worthwhile investment.

It’s Time To Hire a Contractor

My house would still be partially gutted if it wasn’t for my contractor. My team has taught me a lot about myself and how to manage home renovations in the future. The carpenter I hired saved me so much money; they were able to inspect and plan out the best renovations for my home. They also recommended other things I hadn’t noticed before, like painting my front door.

I can’t stop thinking about how y’all will take this advice on managing stress during a home renovation. Trust me, everyone’s home renovation will look beautiful when all is said and done. Good luck with your home improvement project; I can’t wait to see it on my timeline soon.

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