The Benefits of Silk for Self-Care from North Carolina Lifestyle Blogger Champagne Style Bare Budget

The Benefits of Silk for Self-Care

The Benefits of Silk for Self-Care from North Carolina Lifestyle Blogger Champagne Style Bare Budget

Self-care is so important for everyone. It’s more than just face masks and wine nights with the gals—it’s all of the little things you do to make life just a little easier on yourself. I’m huge on self-care, y’all. I try to do something each day just for me—which my fellow mamas know can seem impossible some days. One thing I came across that gives me a daily dose of self-care without a ton of effort is incorporating silk into my life. I know it sounds a little wacky, but it’s a nice way to take care of myself. Discover some of the benefits of silk for self-care for yourself.

It just feels luxurious

Wearing silk, touching silk, sleeping on silk—it all just feels so luxurious and regal. It’s a subtle reminder that you’re worth nice things and that you deserve to be comfortable. Just the subtle introduction of a silk pillowcase or a silk sleeping eye mask is enough to add some relaxing extravagance to your nightly ritual. A little bit of luxury is an easy reminder of your own personal worth and value.

It’s good for your hair and skin

Taking good care of your skin and hair is essential to feeling and looking good. Silk is actually a natural material that can reduce the buildup of bacteria and dirt. This makes it the perfect material for furniture and pillowcases or sheets. Silk also has benefits for hair. It’s known to reduce breaking and splitting of hair, and it keeps it looking nice and natural.

It’s not as hard to care for as it seems

I was always scared of investing in silk because I had no idea how to care for it. Learning how to care for silk furniture is what really got me to get over my phobia and take the leap to invest in silk sheets. It’s really not as complicated as it seems. Silk items do require gentler and more careful care than regular cloth items, but it’s not so bad once you get used to it. Hand-washing is recommended, but there are ways to make it a little easier.

Silk is one of my favorite things for self-care, and it might be a good thing for you, too. Self-care is different for everybody, and the benefits of silk for self-care may or may not be ones you’re interested in for yourself. It’s all about finding the right routines for you.

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