The COVID-19 pandemic has put everyone’s financial future in jeopardy. That’s why I’m trying to pick up as many side hustles as I can, y’all. One thing that I love doing is dog walking. Even though more people are working from home, no one has time to take Fido around the block. That’s where I come in! Here are three tips for dog walkers that I’ve learned from my experience. If you follow this advice, you’ll have a new furry friend for life.
Be Aware of People
As a dog walker, you should know how to introduce pups to strangers, y’all. I can’t tell you how many people in masks come up to me while I’m on my walks. Some pooches are more rambunctious than others, though. One doggo, named Walter, loves to jump on any person he meets. Thus, it’s my responsibility as his walker to control him as much as possible. I keep a tight grip on his leash, and I always keep plenty of treats on me. Most of the time, this calms Wally down enough so that people can pet him. You should keep these tricks in mind so that you and your furry friend are ready when folks approach you.
Clean Up After Fido
You should also try your hardest to clean up after Lassie when they make a mess. There’s nothing worse than stepping in dog poop while you’re out for a jog. Be respectful of other people, and bring the right supplies with you every time you go for a stroll. It’d also be smart to wash off every dog you walk before bringing them home. Owners will appreciate your efforts in trying to keep their loyal companion clean. One of my clients was so grateful I took this extra step; she referred me to her gal pals in the neighborhood.
Timing Is Everything
I always overbook myself, y’all. If my kids need a ride at the same time I have my book club, I commit myself to both tasks anyway. Unfortunately, these habits followed me into my career as a dog walker. However, I quickly learned that I needed to manage my time better. Learn from my mistakes, y’all. Don’t overbook yourself and run frantically around town, trying to walk dozens of pups every day. Instead, work out a schedule that works for you, and only walk the number of doggos you can handle. Remember, it’s about quality, not quantity.
If you’ve recently started caring for pups, you should follow these essential tips for dog walkers. Dog walking is no joke, y’all. You need to be patient and stay calm if Fido gets a riled up. Do your best to see the fun in this side hustle, and remember, lots of folks would love to hang around with puppies all day.