This post may contain affiliate links. In this current global pandemic, it’s more important than ever we focus on mindfulness. You might be young and healthy, but many people in our communities are vulnerable, especially the elderly and those with compromised immune systems. Many of the external events swirling around us are beyond our control, but we can control our reactions and adapt to this temporary new normal of “social distancing. Keep reading to find out how you can do yoga at home.
A vital component in this adaptation process is to give proper attention to mind/body/spirit wellness – which the practice of Yoga fully supports. Whether you’ve been practicing yoga for years or you’re dipping your toe into a home practice for the first time, rolling out your mat at home offers a myriad of benefits. Being able to click play whenever you want allows you to choose when and where you do yoga. While yoga studios are closed or limiting classes, you can continue to practice with leading streaming services like YogaDownload.com, which offers over 1,700 classes taught by renowned Yogi’s for as little as $10/month.
In response to the coronavirus pandemic, they are currently offering 50% Off the Healing 101: Yoga for Trauma, Grief, & Illness Program that you allows you to do yoga at home. This yoga program is specially designed for those of us going through a challenging time in life. While common yoga themes of gratitude and love are always useful, for many, there are moments in life where a different approach is needed. This program supports those going through a difficult time, whether it’s old trauma, recent grief, or navigating illness.
Studies have shown that trauma and illness has a strong connection to both the mind and the body. Yoga helps move stuck energy, grief, and trauma in the body. YogaDownload’s Healing 101 program, is powerful, whether you’re an experienced yogi or a first-timer. The focus of the classes in this program is around processing our emotions in a healthy way and supporting you through your own unique healing process. SIGN UP HERE: YogaDownload.com