Date night used to be my favorite day of the week. After having been cooped up inside for the past month, however, these romantic evenings have become a distant memory. While my husband and I miss our weekly nights out on the town, we’ve found an equally romantic way to enjoy each other’s company during these strange and unprecedented times. Now, I know what y’all are probably thinking. After a month of spending every waking moment with my husband, wouldn’t I prefer to plan some alone time instead? We’ve found, however, that carving out one night a week to devote solely to each other’s company has actually made the days spent indoors much more bearable. These tips for a romantic date night at home will help you and your loved one regain some sense of normalcy and excitement while social distancing.
Go big or go home
Since you’ll already have the “go home” part covered, your only other option is to go big! Though you may only be traveling between your kitchen and dining room, you can still pull out all the stops to create a truly romantic atmosphere. Start by dressing up in your date night best. Do your hair and makeup, and put on your most spectacular date night outfit. Consider this the perfect opportunity to test out a new style or wear that old cocktail dress that’s just been gathering dust in the back of your closet. Dressing up will lend an entirely different aura to the whole evening, and you’ll momentarily forget that you’re stuck at home. Don’t forget to decorate your dining space as well. Bring out the candles, dim the lights, and instruct Alexa to play some romantic music. In no time at all, your dining room will be transformed into the most romantic restaurant you’ve ever seen.
Treat your taste buds
A date night from the comfort of your home is the perfect opportunity to experiment with something new—not only in terms of your outfit and decor but also cuisine. As such, one of the best tips for a romantic date night at home is to channel your inner Gordon Ramsey and create a special menu for the occasion. You don’t need to attempt Michelin-star dishes, of course, but try to choose something that’s a little outside your regular repertoire. Start by selecting a theme or overarching cuisine for your meal, which will make it easier to select the main dish, sides, and appetizers. It will also ensure that all elements of the meal complement each other, right down to the wine and cheese pairing.
Plan entertainment
Your date night doesn’t need to end just because dinner has. Plan some after-dinner entertainment to keep the romantic evening going as long as possible. Follow along with an online painting tutorial, bust out the board games, or settle in for a romantic night of Netflix. You can also play music and practice your dance moves. Once restrictions have lifted and you’re able to venture back into the outside world, you’ll be ready to take the dance floor by storm.