Let’s be honest, y’ all—working out is a drag. No matter how much I want to hit the gym and get into shape, I almost always find myself lounging at home instead. I’ve become something of a pro at making up excuses not to bother with a trip to the gym. At the very top of that list? Working out is tiresome and tedious. I get bored doing the same exercises over and over and instead decide to simply nix them all together instead. With my recent resolution to hit the gym more, however, I’ve since been on a hunt to find different ways to make my workout more fun. After several weeks of trial and error, I’m finally ready to share my knowledge with all of you. This guide to some of the best ways to make your workout more fun will help you hit the gym with a smile on your face—something I never thought could be possible!
Invite Your Friends
The very best thing I’ve found to combat the boredom of my daily workout is to invite a friend to accompany me on my journey to the gym. Establishing a buddy system not only helps me maintain my motivation but also helps the time fly by while working out. Chatting with my friends while jogging on the treadmill helps take my mind off the task at hand, and before I know it, it’s already time for my cooldown! Working out with a friend also ensures that I always have a reliable support system looking out for me. They help me maintain my form when lifting and offer helpful words of encouragement during, particularly strenuous exercises. With my friend by my side, I also feel more comfortable experimenting with new equipment and exercises. The need to be calm and collected during my workout slips away, and we can instead focus on the fun part of fitness.
Switch Things Up
Sometimes the key to getting out of a fitness funk is rather simple. I’ve found that tweaking my fitness routine just a little bit can give me an entirely new perspective on working out and can build my motivation once again. A change of setting can change your entire mindset, so I like to switch up where I exercise every once in a while. When I find myself tired of my trek to the gym, I head to a nearby forest preserve or park instead and complete my exercise routine while basking in the beauty of the great outdoors. Sometimes all it takes is a minor shift to put me back in the right mindset. I also find that changing up my workout playlist can help put the spring back into my step quickly. Switching between my pump-up playlist, Top 40 hits, and sometimes even an interesting podcast helps me keep my interest throughout my entire workout, and I find myself growing bored less frequently.
For a larger switch-up, I’ll sometimes even upend my regular routine entirely. Throwing a new exercise routine or workout class into the mix keeps me from becoming burned out on the same boring routine. My favorite additions so far have been a weekly kickboxing class and an online Jazzercise routine.