Getting your hands on a credit card offers a lot of advantages. One swipe can take care of your urgent purchases, especially if your paycheck is still a couple of weeks away. Owning a credit card provides you financial flexibility. You can pay for an expensive item in 6-, 12-,…
Gathering the necessary finances for home improvements can be daunting, be it for minor home repairs or for a newer and more aesthetic home makeover. It can be tough to secure funds, especially in a short period of time. Fortunately, financing for home renovations have evolved to a variety of…
Insights from Experian Is It Smart to Get a Credit Card for a Child Under 18? Here are three key reasons why you might want to get a credit card for your son or daughter: 1. It Can Help Them Establish a Credit History Any credit account that lenders report…
Rewards cards remain a hot consumer trend. Virtually every major retailer, airline and cruise line has issued at least one rewards credit card as the popularity of rewards cards has increased dramatically over the last few years. Consumers today can pick and choose from dozens of different cash back, points…
More Americans are carrying credit card debt from month-to-month while fewer are contributing to their non-retirement savings, according to the 2017 Financial Literacy Survey conducted by the National Foundation for Credit Counseling (NFCC) and sponsored by BECU. Compared to last year, significantly more U.S. adults indicate their household carries credit…