We all know that getting a good night’s sleep is important to our health and well being. It’s a no-brainer that sleep can affect our performance at work and even the relationships we have with our family members and friends.
For some people, sleep is as vital as a commodity in a post-doomsday world. It can affect their performance if they’re musicians on tour or professional athletes competing in a tournament.
Celebrities and other well- known people treat their sleeping habits and bedtime routines just as seriously as they are daytime jobs. Some of them opt for multiple power naps throughout the day instead of sleeping at night. Others strive to get a solid seven to eight hours of sleep a day.
Celebrities striving for a solid seven to eight hours of sleep pay special attention to their behavior and routines during the day and especially at night.
A daily routine, which includes eating habits, medication ingestion, how the day is scheduled, and evening activities, impacts how celebrities sleep. Even if they change one thing it makes a big impact. That change could be the difference between a heavy sleep and a restless night for them.
Some celebrities might even keep a sleep journal for a couple of weeks. It helps them keep track of their daily habits and bedtime routine. They also record which days they had better sleep than others and what they changed from their normal routines.
More serious people practice good “sleeping hygiene” which is a program of healthy sleeping habits.
In the extreme case, celebrities suffering from insomnia use good “sleeping hygiene” to help with their conditions. They also participate in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy which addresses why they cannot sleep and how to reduce their stress. It also covers healthy ways to manage a sleep schedule.
If you’re curious about how celebrities deal with their sleep management or want to know their bizarre sleeping habits, the CelebJury infographic tells it all.