How to Socialize Your New Puppy: 5 Tips

How to Socialize Your New Puppy: 5 Tips

Getting a new puppy is a wonderful time for the whole family. Dogs can be fantastic pets that are loyal and loving. However, that doesn’t mean it won’t be hard work. Puppies are very excitable and can only retain a small amount of what you teach them. One of the most important things you can do for your new puppy is teach him social skills. He needs to know how to behave around other dogs. Here’s how to do it.

How to Socialize Your New Puppy: 5 Tips


Practice Walking On The Lead

Before doing anything else, your puppy should be confident at walking on a lead. This can take a while for them to get to grips with. You may find that your puppy pulls on the lead or gets easily excited when you walk past people, cars, or other dogs.

Going for short walks and rewarding your puppy when he walks on a short lead or listens when you call is a great start.

Walk Near Other Dogs

It can help your puppy if you schedule walks with other dogs. Ask an owner of a dog with a lot of patience. Older dogs or dogs that suffer from pain aren’t the best options for socializing puppies well.

Get your puppy to walk near the other dog and reward them each time you’re able to get his attention. You may find that your puppy gets very excited and wants to jump and play with the other dog until the novelty wears off.

Dog Training

Finding a dog boarding school that offers training classes will be vital for them. Not only is it a great way to socialize your puppy with dogs of the same age but it’s also the perfect way to start helping your dog listen to commands.

Using commands like ‘stay’ and ‘stop’ could save your dog from being hurt one day. Approaching roads with busy traffic or dogs that could be aggressive are just examples of situations where your dog will need to listen.

Allow Your Dog To Greet Other Dogs

When your puppy starts to display calmer behavior around other dogs, you can allow your puppy to greet dogs on your walks. Be mindful of other dogs and their owners. Some dogs don’t like to be approached so it’s wise to ask for permission first. 

Some owners will use yellow collars or bandanas on their dogs as a signal to other owners that the dog doesn’t like to be approached. The dogs that your puppy can approach will help to teach him social etiquette.

Off Lead Walks

Off-lead walks will be the ultimate freedom for your dog. It can help to try it in a controlled environment where you know other dog owners and in a concealed area where your puppy can’t escape. Your puppy will appreciate this freedom and it’s the best way to let him run off his energy.

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