Whether they portray the height of sophistication or the make-do-and-mend of the low-rent low-maintenance 20-something co-hab, TV living rooms always have something attractive about them. Of course, it helps they’re usually somewhat larger than their real-life equivalent would be, so as to leave space for good camera angles on all the action.
But mostly this appeal can be attributed to the vision of the set designer, who is charged with creating a bold, unified look that is easy on the eye and makes the viewer feel welcome – even to the squalor of The Young Ones or Bottom!
Color plays no small part in this. With a clever and stylish use of color, you can create a memorable look to your living room even on a budget. So why not turn to the color schemes of your favorite TV shows for some inspiration?
That just what this new series of color palette images from Compare The Market has done. From the nineties normcore bachelor pad of Jerry Seinfeld to Don Draper’s sophisticated Manhattan apartment, color schemes have been extracted, analyzed, and transformed into swatches.
Even Downton Abbey has a part to play! If you’re not afraid to dabble in kitsch (and you’re self-aware enough not to take yourself too seriously – and end up veering into Hyacinth Bucket territory), you can get a great effect with royal green wallpaper and unashamedly frilly cushions. Pink and cream furniture will add light and space so that you can create that drawing-room feel even in a somewhat cramped living room.
Or if you really don’t have the confidence to pull out all the stops while you’re feeling the pinch, take a page from the How I Met Your Mother design book. The unkempt living room felt warm and welcoming throughout, thanks to a consistent use of autumnal colors and the pleasant uplift of an occasional splash of something brighter.
So, which is your favorite show – and are there any particular shades you’d like to borrow for your next re-design?