cover 6 myths about diabetes
Faith & Family

6 Myths About Diabetes

cover 6 myths about diabetes

The number of Filipinos taking medicines for diabetes is becoming larger and larger, as the Philippines turns into a hotspot for the disease. This means, unfortunately, that someone you know – especially those who are close to you – may end up acquiring it.

It would be a good idea for you to arm yourself with information regarding diabetes, starting with the myths surrounding it. Here are some of them:

  1. Taking Insulin is Painful

Injecting yourself with insulin to treat your diabetes does not have to hurt. Some people actually practice good injection techniques to make the process become virtually painless. Joslin Diabetes Centre’s Andrea Penney say pinching your skin while you are injecting insulin can reduce the pain immensely.

Another technique a number of patients use is choosing an insulin pen with thinner and shorter needles; they can help ease your discomfort.

diabetes active lifestyle

  1. Diabetics Cannot Have an Active Lifestyle

Being healthy and staying active even when you have diabetes is totally possible and even encouraged. In fact, there are many physical fitness programs patients can check out in order to have a healthy and active lifestyle. However, they would have to check with their doctors and physicians first before they start a physical activity. They must also be clear of other health complications such as heart disease, retinopathy, and neuropathy to be able to do some physical stuff.

  1. Eating Too Much Sugar Results to Diabetes

According to research, diabetes does not come from eating too many sugary treats.

There are actually two types of diabetes: type 1 and type 2. Type 1 occurs when your pancreas has stopped making insulin (a hormone that uses glucose and turns it into energy). Type 2, on the other hand, happens when your body becomes insulin resistant. None of these two has been caused by consuming too many desserts.

  1. Type 2 Diabetes Can Be Permanently Cured

It is completely possible for people with type 2 diabetes to have normal blood glucose levels in their body through taking medicines, exercise, diet, and (in some cases) bariatric surgery. But unfortunately, this disease, as well as the other related complications, like unhealthy cholesterol levels and a high blood pressure will always be part of their lives.

diabetics sweets

  1. Diabetics Cannot Eat Sweets

Being a diabetic does not mean you have to miss out on your favorite desserts. You certainly can still have some of them – as long as you consume them responsibly. You may also want to consult your nutritionist as well as your diabetes care team to help you out in choosing which foods are good or bad for you. Remember that there is no distinct diet for diabetics. Everyone has their own way of dealing with it.

  1. Diabetics Who Take Insulin Have Failed

Those who have type 1 diabetes must take insulin shots in order to treat the disease. There is no other way for them to treat it otherwise.

Those who have type 2, on the other hand, need insulin to counteract the risks they can develop with the disease. Although there are other medications you can use to manage these issues, using insulin from the start is not a poor way to go.

It is important to learn all these myths. Remember that information is the most important tool in defeating a disease like diabetes.

About the Author

Laurel Santos is a 24-year-old grown up woman whose kid at heart. She lives in the city and works as a freelance photographer. She also manages a small pet shop inside their village. She loves traveling so much because she believes that one should not just die staying in without exploring the world.  She got a big heart for animals especially those stray dogs. Despite her busy schedule she always finds time to do one thing that she is very passionate about which is writing.


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