As I have said before my middle daughter plays for her high school soccer team. She is a starting midfielder. If you don’t know what that is I will tell you. To be honest I had to look up the definition because I wasn’t quite sure how to explain it. I just know where she is supposed to be on the field. The midfielder plays in the middle portion of a field; especially : the portion of a playing field that is midway between goals. It probably the most demanding position to play in soccer. They do the most running and they play offense and defense. Trying to keep the girls on the team energy and morale up has been hard this season as it has just started so I devised a plan to make sure that they all know they are love and that there are fans rooting for them. I recently showed you the chocolate chip cookie bags that I made last week. I also made another treat that will share later. I wanted to share with you another super easy and super cheap way to show that you have team spirit. This one was so easy and so inexpensive. It cost me a total of $2.
So here it goes. Step by step instructions to make another spirit bag. First go to the dollar store and buy two bags of pixie sticks. Then on your computer make up a little card using a shipping label template. The saying I put on mine was “Our Team Sticks Together.” Cut the labels apart and tape two pixie sticks to the card. I then gave them to the coach to hand out on the bus before the game. Yep Folks it was that easy. So what do you think of my stick together treats? Do you have any other ideas? Share I will be doing these bags all season.