DIY Enthusiasts Spill the Beans 4 Tricks Every Homeowner Should Have in Their Arsenal from North Carolina Lifestyle Blogger Champagne Style Bare Budget
House and Home

DIY Enthusiasts Spill the Beans: 4 Tricks Every Homeowner Should Have in Their Arsenal

DIY Enthusiasts Spill the Beans 4 Tricks Every Homeowner Should Have in Their Arsenal from North Carolina Lifestyle Blogger Champagne Style Bare Budget

Buying a house is one of the most significant purchases you will make in your life—and there’s so much to think about! From changing addresses to shopping for new furniture to the move itself, the processes surrounding the purchase of a home can be a stressful and busy time.

Once the papers are signed, the moving trucks pull away, and your left in your new home (with a mountain of boxes), it’s time to start getting acquainted. Houses are great investments, but they require almost constant upkeep to maintain their value. While there are the lucky few among us who can hire out for all these small jobs, most of us have to brush up on our DIY skills to keep our homes in tip-top shape.  

To make sure you make the most of your home, here are four tricks every homeowner should have in their DIY arsenal.

1. Know where all your main valves are

This one may seem simple, but a lot of homeowners are guilty about not knowing where all their main valves are. If you get gas, propane, or water into your home (and it’s quite likely you get at least one of these), then you should know immediately where the shut-off valves are. This is DIY 101 and is very important for your safety and your home. You should also familiarize yourself with your main electrical panel and what fuses work for what.

2. Clean your filters and dryer vents

A healthy home is a happy home, which is why you should learn what filters fit your furnace when to change them and also, how to clean your dryer vent. Many people mistakenly assume that cleaning the lint trap before drying their clothes is enough. However, lint can still become trapped in the dryer venting and run the risk of igniting a fire. Learning to clean these areas is essential.

3. Learn to paint

Painting your home is something many people avoid because of how time-consuming or complicated it seems. However, learning to paint your home is a great way to save money and revamp your space. There are a few key things you should abide by when painting your home that is easy to learn. First, you should use the highest quality paintbrushes and paint rollers you can afford. Trying to save money here can spell disaster when you’re actually in the process of painting. Also, learning to cut in the walls (where you run a brush along all the edges of the room to act as a buffer line for the roller) is an art and takes practice—don’t be discouraged if it takes a bit of time to learn.

4. Know when to call in the pros

Sometimes, our DIY hopes can get away from us, and this is when it’s time to call in the pros. Before you end up doing more damage than good, it’s important to understand what your DIY limitations are in your home. Things like electrical and plumbing almost always require the input of a professional home renovation company like Knowing when to hire professionals can be something that will save you money in the long run.

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