The fun of DIY has slowly morphed into a sort of skill regarding one being able to decorate their home in unique and incredible ways. However, not every decoration is as easy as they are pretty. A few tricks with some pain, though, can help brighten things up and sometimes help change the atmosphere of a room.
If you’re finding that a room is looking a little plain or dull, try putting some colour on the inside of the door. Whenever a guest opens the door to enter the room, it appears more vibrant and exciting. The same can be done for a bedroom. On the sides of the drawers, put some fun colours or even a few patterns. The small hint of brightness there gives the dresser personality and sends a charisma through the rest of the bedroom and make it seem like it has undergone severe junk removal session.
Is the dining room a little too dark? Maybe the table and chairs are a bit on the gloomy side, and the place needs some cheery atmosphere. Find a doughnut-shaped shade/globe (it could be recycled from your junk collection) for your overhead light and coat the inside of it-the part that will encircle the bulb-with a glitter infused paint. The more coats you apply, will make it more opaque and less like something worthy of a rubbish disposal pile. When you turn the light on after it’s painted, the glitter will reflect the light off itself and make the room appear brighter than it originally was. The overall atmosphere in the room will be determined by the colour you choose. This can make a big impact as if the room has been cleared out of junk collection and overall make you feel great there.
A final way to help with decorating is to paint dots along the bottom of your tumbler glasses. Whenever guests come over for get-togethers or dinners, you can greet them with a cute and fun way to enjoy a drink. The colour and size of the dots-and it doesn’t just have to be dots, it can be any design you wish-is a simple way to show your personality, especially with how easily customized the project is. And if you find that you don’t like any original designs, it’s easy to remove the paint and star again; no money wasted on buying new glasses and tossing the old ones on the rubbish removal pile.
New homes or even first homes are a big part of who a person is. With a few simple tricks with paint, it’s not a problem to make a new home yours in no time.