Signs You're Ready for Marriage
Faith & Family

Signs You’re Ready for Marriage

When you meet somebody new, and you fall in love, there is a question that is always hovering over in front of you both. You can’t see the question, but it’s on everybody’s lips and in everybody’s minds. When will you get married? Most people insist that no one can possibly be ready for marriage before they turn 30. 

This is because your 20s are used to discovering yourself and to having the freedom to build a life, and your 30s are for settling down. And yet so many people who marry very young actually know that they are ready for marriage early. It’s a lifelong commitment, but when you find that right person, you just know. It’s difficult as a concept to explain to other people, but marriage isn’t something that you choose on a whim, it often chooses you. You can’t imagine being without that person, and you want them by your side through every up and every down you are ever going to experience. 

Whether you choose to buy an engagement ring from websites such as or you go the whole hog with an engagement jewelry set, you need to consider what it means to get married. Are you ready to be married, or are you just ready for a ring? Here are the signs you are ready to make that big commitment.

Signs You're Ready for Marriage

Image source: Pexels

  • You know why you want it. Most people who choose to get married know exactly why they want to be married to that person. It’s not about being filled with an abject last, and it’s not about thinking that this person is lovely I’m going to settle down. Of course, that happens for some people, and that’s why the divorce rate can be quite high because people make a mistake. People often grow away from their partner as well, which leads to divorce. The thing is if you know why you want to be married, and it’s not about peer pressure, and it’s not about your grandma telling you it’s time, then you’re already on the right foot.
  • You understand that flaws are something to accept. Now, don’t read this wrong! That doesn’t mean that you have to look over narcissism or selfishness, or abusive behavior. But everybody has flaws, it doesn’t matter how you picture it or what you think of yourself, you also have imperfections. You have to know that you can live with those imperfections, and grow together and improve together. You have to make sure that you don’t want to change the person you are marrying, but that being married to you only improves them and makes them want to improve. If you are happy to accept someone’s flaws and all, you are in the right place to get married.

You know that it’s about more than just a wedding. So many people agreed to get married to somebody and plan elaborate engagement parties and wedding parties and then find themselves in a slump after the fact. A wedding is not a marriage. And engagement is not a marriage. Marriage is not easy! Marriage is something you both have to want, and you have to both want to work on it all of the time. You need to have serious conversations about your values, your goals, and even your political views so that you can go through life hand in hand. When one of you is down, the other one carries the load, and when you are down, you need to trust that they will carry you through it. That’s just how a marriage can work. If you can’t imagine your life without your partner and there is the person you want to share the good news and bad news with and the one you want to call when you see something funny, then you need to marry them.

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