We do love our pets as much as our friends and kin. Because animals and especially dogs give back unwavering and unconditional love and trust for life. So, it is not unexpected how over the years few of the cats, dogs and few other loving pets have inherited millions from their owners.
Studies show it is no surprise how people write away huge inheritance for their pets. We, humans, get some bad experiences in life with fellow folks that the trust is lost and its difficult to be placed again on partners and peers but the explicit love of pets and their consistent liking and reciprocating of their feelings makes individuals love their fur companions so much, that they leave huge fortune in their will in the pet’s name, so they are not bereft of comforts and a good life later.
Here is an Infographic by Moneypod reflecting the fortunes of few of the millionaire animals which could be more than we can ever realize in our life.
The World’s Richest Pets? by Moneypod.