Are you dealing with dry skin, intense acne, sudden wrinkles, or losing skin elasticity? If you’re experiencing any of these uncomfortable skin problems, you might be neglecting to look at some outside factors that may be influencing your skin health. Your confidence can be knocked down if you’re trying everything to fix these issues but not getting the results you want. Surprisingly many things can influence your skin health and there are several solutions you can try out, from finding a massage spa near me to help you destress or cutting certain things from your diet. Read more to see how you can make a few easy lifestyle changes so you can tackle these stubborn skin issues.
Underlying Issues
Whether you’re getting too much sun exposure, have a busy schedule that causes you stress, or if you’re not getting enough sleep, these unhealthy lifestyle factors can impact your skin negatively. Let’s take a deeper look at how you can change this around for the better!
Stress Overload
It isn’t uncommon for stress to play a major role in people’s lives. Being constantly under pressure and having feelings of anxiety or worry can impact your health in many ways. Stress is serious. Not only can stress cause your body to be sick by worsening symptoms, but it can also affect your physical health by increasing your chances of having a heart attack or intense chest pains.
Stress can also have less severe effects, though these effects can still be frustrating to deal with. Skin issues can appear in response to how your body reacts to change, and change can bring about stress. Cortisol and adrenaline, two main stress hormones, are released in response to your body feeling stressed. Cortisol has a history of clogging your pores due to an increased amount of oil being produced. This can lead you to develop acne breakouts. Chronic stress can lead to never-ending skin issues, therefore finding a solution like using a tretinoin prescription acne cream in combination with some stress management strategies is a must.
Sleep Deprivation
Are you getting 7-9 hours of sleep every night? If not, you need to change your ways. Getting the right amount of sleep can greatly impact the way your skin looks. It is easy to notice when someone is tired or might be lacking sleep just by glancing at them.
If you are sleep-deprived, you probably have dark circles and puffiness around your eyes, which can be a result of not having enough oxygen in the bloodstream. Blood circulation moves at a slower pace if you’re lacking sleep which can cause your skin to appear blotchy or dull.
Lack of sleep can also speed up the aging process and no one wants to do that. Not getting enough sleep can lead to your body trying to regain balance, leading to stress. Stress and sleep go hand in hand in this situation. The stress hormone, cortisol, can damage the collagen in our skin. The lack of collagen then causes the skin to lose elasticity and gain texture. Therefore, if you’re trying to avoid these effects, get your beauty sleep.
Sun Exposure
You can never stress enough the importance of sunscreen. And although it may not be summer, you should still be wearing sunscreen. Constant exposure to the sun can cause premature aging by causing wrinkles and dark spots. Additionally, your risk for skin cancer is increased. The skin can become damaged or develop skin cancer because of the UV rays reaching the innermost layer of the skin and killing skin cells. Too much sun will definitely impact the appearance of your skin. If you want to avoid these possible effects you should be wearing your sunscreen. Putting on sunscreen every day, especially to the face, is extremely important for keeping your skin protected. Purchasing sunscreen for your face and another for the rest of your body is ideal. Make sure to have fun outside while still keeping your skin safe.
Lifestyle Habits
It’s no secret that your diet and drinking habits could affect your skin. Eating healthy is an easy way to have clear skin. Good nutritional habits will leave your skin in good condition. Therefore, intaking enough vitamins and minerals daily by eating your fruits and vegetables will promote healthy skin. If you struggle with incorporating fruits and vegetables in your life, plant your own produce in your garden. Some vegetables will do well in certain seasons, so make sure to do your research.
You will also want to keep in mind how much alcohol you are drinking. Not only will the amount of alcohol you take in affect your overall health and well-being, but it will also impact your skin. Alcohol tends to dehydrate the skin, draining fluid and causing the appearance of wrinkles to come through. Whiteheads and blackheads can also appear from drinking alcohol because of the pores on your skin being dilated. So, keep in mind how many glasses of alcohol you are having.
Get your skin issues under control by addressing these outside factors. Get your beauty rest, relax to reduce some stress, and enjoy some fruits and vegetables. Face your skin issues head-on and get them under control!